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Pictures of the Stef Tietz
Student Band |
Symphony at the Zocalo |
These pictures were the happenings on the big city square (Zocolo) on Sunday. Every Sunday is a fiesta. All the families come out and simply stroll or sit around the square. There is numerous music ventures, some that simply pop up and some , like the Oaxaca symphony orchestra that are planned, yet free, events. The little school band was trying to raise money for their battle of the bands competition and they were really good. Last year apparently they got second place, and this year they were going for 1st! We certainly threw our pesos in to support that! Being in the square on Sunday made me realize just how far Americans have let their family life slide. Here family is everything. One sees it every day.
Fathers are very involved with their kids, carrying them on their shoulders, playing soccer with them in the streets at night. Families, even with older kids, are seen together everywhere. Simply sitting on park benches or strolling through the parks. I think I have found my first bean by learning how valuable this is to my Mexi side :-)
(For those of you that don't know, the title to my essay that got me this grant was "A Burrito without Beans" referring to myself. Being Mexican on the outside, but not on the inside since I know little about the culture. It is the name my Mexican students gave me. So I am here trying to find my beans ;-)
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The posts on this blog show the process experienced for a trip to Oaxaca México.